Garden Grants to Green Your School

Gardens are a great way to get young students to start thinking about their connection to the natural environment. Image sourced from Central Farm Markets

Gardens are a great way to get young students to start thinking about their connection to the natural environment. Image sourced from Central Farm Markets

With the school year starting back up, it can be a stressful time for educators looking to plan new and immersive experiences for their students on a budget. Grants are an excellent resource for bringing projects to life through supportive funding. If you are a teacher looking to start a sustainability project at your school, there are a variety of grants aimed specifically at building school habitats and gardens. Here at Boyer Sudduth, we compiled the following list of suggested grants to help make your school year as successful as possible.

2019 Garden Grants

If you are looking for further assistance and tips for writing a grant, check out this blog post

Here’s to engaging students in hands-on learning about the environment-- you go, educators!

By Casey Maslan, a Senior in the Environmental Studies Department at Boston College, and intern at Boyer Sudduth Environmental Consultants.