2022 Healthy Schools Summit: Recharging for a New Environmental Era — Boyer Sudduth

2022 Healthy Schools Summit: Recharging for a New Environmental Era

On December 9, 2022, educators, policymakers, scientists, and family members across the nation met virtually via Zoom to discuss the intersection of sustainability and education at Women for a Healthy Environment’s 2022 Healthy Schools Summit. 

Experts in environmental and school health informed participants of the most recent developments in their areas of expertise, while educators and advocates shared their diverse experiences in promoting green communities.

Boyer joins three other panelists to discuss green schools in PA.

Boyer Sudduth’s Mary Ann Boyer served alongside other PA experts and innovators responsible for award-winning initiatives in school environmental health on the Environmental Health in Schools Panel. Other panelists included Tamara E. Peffer, M.S., Environmental and Ecology Content Advisor for the PA Department of Education, Dr. Donnan Stoicovy, Green-Ribbon Award winning educator and Chair of the PA Advisory Council for Environmental Education, and Shawn Ryan, Supervisor of Operations at Green-Ribbon Award winning Spring-Ford Area School District. 

Peffer opened the panelists’ discussion by introducing the Green Ribbon program, its application process, the status of Green Ribbon Schools in PA, and other options for school recognition in accomplishments pertaining to climate protection, sustainability, environmental justice, and agricultural education. Peffer also introduced the three pillars: areas in which schools must demonstrate significant progress in order to be considered for Green Ribbon certification. 

The three pillars include: 

● Pillar 1: Reduced Environmental Impact and Costs 

● Pillar 2: Improved Health and Wellness of Schools, Students, and Staff

● Pillar 3: Effective Environmental and Sustainability Education 

Ryan and Stoicovy followed Peffer with presentations on their experiences attaining Green Ribbon status at their own institutions by way of these three pillars. The panelists shared some examples of the actions taken by their schools under each pillar. Some of their actions included LED lighting and bottle fill stations (pillar 1), outdoor classrooms and annual indoor environmental quality inspections via environmental consultant (pillar 2), as well as sorting stations and student-led climate action Fridays (pillar 3). 

Boyer rounded out the panelists’ conversation by presenting tips to lead green change at your school, outlining the many different areas which provide opportunities for sustainability impact.

Sustainability impacts these many areas within an organization.

“If you’re just starting to ‘green’ your school, pick one area where there is already excitement and passion, and begin there,” Boyer stated. “Start small and harness the energy of the students and staff to get started.”

Boyer also bolstered Peffer’s discussion of schools’ various opportunities for outside recognition, naming the National Wildlife Federation’s Eco-Schools USA, Green Restaurant Certification, and US Green Building Council Leed Certification. “We found that, when we work with schools, the third party certification has been the catalyst for change,” said Boyer. 

Boyer’s other tips for green change included the following:

Boyer recommends using Eco School’s 7 Step Process when working with client schools to bring about change. 

A firm believer in the importance of sharing one’s story to encourage further change, Boyer also included a case study: Reading Senior High School. Following the 7 Step Process, the school reimagined and refurbished its interior courtyard.

Reading High School’s “before” and “after” of the new and improved outdoor learning space.

Interested in becoming a Green Ribbon school, district, or institution? Submit an application to the Pennsylvania Department of Education to nominate your school by January 12, 2023. State and national award winners are to be announced in the spring of 2023. 

Article by Sophia Haegley, Sustainability Intern at Boyer Sudduth Environmental Consultants, University of Pennsylvania ‘22.

Article printed in PAISBOA’s Friday Flyer, Vol. XI, No. 19 - December 16, 2022