Survey Responses Due by Feb. 28, 2022
Wonder how your school compares with others around environmental sustainability?
Boyer Sudduth Environmental Consultants developed a PAISBOA Sustainability Benchmarking Survey for member schools to see how their school compares to peer schools. Participating schools from last year’s survey included: Abington Friends, Agnes Irwin, Baldwin, Delaware Valley Friends School, Devon Prep, Friends’ Central, Germantown Friends, Gladwyne Montessori, Haverford College, Montgomery School, Moravian Academy, Shipley, Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, Stuart Country Day, Westfield Friends, & Westtown.
Screenshot from the 2022 Sustainability Benchmarking Survey
Now in its second year, Boyer Sudduth and PAISBOA are offering this survey again for Member Schools. The survey aims to document the sustainability practices and progress in the greater Philadelphia-area independent schools. Schools will see where they fall in comparison to peer institutions. The survey may be used to help schools plan their next steps in progressing school sustainability based on which practices have been most effective for other schools.
“Last year's survey results helped us prioritize what to work on," noted Emily Woodward, Lower School Library/Media Specialist and Sustainability Committee Chair of Baldwin. “So we were excited to participate in this survey again.”
A screenshot of an answer from one of the questions in last year’s Sustainability Survey
After the survey results are submitted, Boyer Sudduth offers participants a free overview of the combined results. Schools can also opt for a customized summary report on what impactful steps they can take to make sustainability improvements for a nominal fee.
This survey focuses on key drivers of building a robust sustainability program to both understand today’s practices and inspire future sustainability initiatives. The survey is divided up into these sections:
Leadership & Vision,
Budget & Purchasing,
Facilities & Grounds,
Water Use,
Student Engagement,
Community Partnerships, and
To receive a link to the survey, please contact Mary Ann Boyer at And if you would like to be part of the Sustainability Group, contact Ron Hill at
To read about last year’s survey results, see PAISBOA Sustainability Benchmarking Survey article from Boyer Sudduth’s blog website in June 2021; this article was also published in the PAISBOA Friday Flyer April 27, 2021.
PAISBOA’s Sustainability Group Meeting had its second virtual meeting on January 26, 2022 with the theme of Sustainability in the Classroom. To read about this meeting, see this link.
This article is also published in PAISBOA’s Friday Flyer, Vol XI, No. 3, Feb. 18, 2022.
Written by Olivia Katavolos, Sustainability Intern, Boyer Sudduth Environmental Consultants.