No-Idling Promotes Good Stewardship & Environmental Practices

Wondering how to reduce your school’s campus greenhouse gas emissions? Consider implementing good stewardship and environmental practices with a “No-Idling Policy.” 

A No-Idling Policy saves money, improves air quality, and reduces fuel consumption for your vehicles. How? Schools across the country are implementing a No-Idling Policy.

A No-Idling Policy helps to ensure a cleaner future.

Why? An idling vehicle gets zero miles per gallon when the vehicle is not moving but the engine is on. 

Human Activities, Air Quality, & “Hot Spots”

Human activities have increased greenhouse gas emissions and continue to warm our planet.  According to  The US Environmental Protection Agency, roughly 40% of air toxic emissions in the US come from mobile sources. Current governmental standards for particulate matter, ozone, and nitrogen dioxide do not ensure the protection of children’s health. 

Vehicular exhaust contains air toxins, known to cause respiratory effects, reproductive effects, birth defects, and many other serious health effects. The chemicals from vehicle exhaust are especially harmful to children who suffer from asthma, and can often make symptoms worse. 

Children waiting for an idling bus or car can be exposed to vehicular emissions. “Hot spots” occur when idling vehicles are concentrated in one area (such as school drop off and pick-ups).  

Environmental & Economic Impacts

As mentioned, a No-Idling Policy reduces emissions, saves fuel and money, and is better for the planet. The US Department of Energy’s Toolkit for Idle Reduction estimates that unnecessary idling for personal vehicles would be equal to removing 5 million vehicles.  


With all idling cannot be completely eliminated, there are strategies and programs available that can help reduce it. Implementing a No-Idling Policy is a powerful mechanism to reduce greenhouse gas concentrations and improve health and well-being for communities.  The Environmental Protection Agency’s School Bus USA Program provides resources for no-idling campaigns for schools. A No-Idling Policy demonstrates that good stewardship and environmental practices help to promote a greener and cleaner future. 

Article published in PAISBOA’s Friday Flyer Vol. XI, No. 1- January 7, 2022 by Simran Safer, Associate for Boyer Sudduth Environmental Consultants