Fallen leaves provide crucial winter protection for insects and invertebrates like butterflies, moths, and beetles. For example, wooly bear and great spangled fritillary caterpillars rely on leaves for warmth and food. By participating in the “Leave the Leaves” campaign, schools can support these ecosystems on their own grounds. Imagine designating a section of the schoolyard as a “wild zone” where leaves are left undisturbed, creating a living laboratory for students to observe changes throughout the seasons.
2024-2025 School Grants
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“Leading Change: Environmental Sustainability at Your School” Panel Discussion
On March 8, the PAISBOA Sustainability Group hosted a virtual panel discussion: “Leading Change: Environmental Sustainability at Your School.” Panelists included Lisa Carbone Warren, Director of Finance & Operations at Moorestown Friends School (MFS), and Carolyn Hapeman, Dean of Finance & Operations at Westtown School and Mary Ann Boyer of Boyer Sudduth Environmental Consultants.
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No-Idling Promotes Good Stewardship & Environmental Practices
Green Schools: Building Sustainability in a New Reality
Schools, Climate Change & Solutions: Sustainability Group at Ancillae-Assumpta
Thirty-three participants from 17 schools attended PAISBOA’s Sustainability Group meeting at Ancillae-Assumpta Academy on January 15, 2019; the topic: Schools, Climate Change & Solutions. Climate Reality Leadership Corps member and Haverford College’s Vice President & Chief of Staff Jesse Lytle gave a solutions-oriented presentation on climate change.