Eco-Schools News

People, Planet, Profit: Friends’ Central School Swings for a Green Home Run

People, Planet, Profit: Friends’ Central School Swings for a Green Home Run

Friends’ Central School recently launched an energy saving project on both of its Wynnewood campuses, projected to save 38% of energy used annually. Equal to 9,100 million BTU’s, these savings are the equivalent of eliminating the carbon emissions of 3,000,000 miles driven by passenger cars, or the carbon absorption of 30,000 trees for 10 years.

How to Reduce Printer Waste at Your School

How much paper do you use in a single year? A single piece of paper doesn’t seem like much - but it can quickly add up. In fact, the average person in the United States uses over 700 pounds of paper products in a single year! That means the average American will go through nearly 2 pounds of paper a day. SCH Academy students and faculty tackled the school’s printer waste in their “Think Before You Print Campaign.” 

Getting Students Unplugged and Outside

Getting Students Unplugged and Outside

Mary Ann Boyer and Kristin Kaye of Boyer Sudduth Environmental Consultants presented "Science and Storytelling: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Environmental Literacy" at the NSTA’s conference in Baltimore earlier this month. Boyer and Kaye shared their experiences on how scientific observation and storytelling open students’ eyes to the natural world. "Getting students outside and unplugged is important to their connection with nature," notes Boyer.

Way to Go SCH!

Way to Go SCH!

We are thrilled for our client, Springside Chestnut Hill Academy, which was recently featured in the Chestnut Hill Local. We are proud to have worked closely with SCH on both projects: Green Restaurant Certification and the Eco-Schools USA Bronze Award.

SCH Receives a Bronze Award from Eco-Schools USA

SCH Receives a Bronze Award from Eco-Schools USA

Springside Chestnut Hill Academy (SCH) was recently named a bronze-level Eco-School by the National Wildlife Federation’s Eco-Schools USA program which promotes environmental education, conserving natural resources and “greening” physical structures and grounds.  With this award, SCH was recognized for its “healthy living” commitment to getting students outdoors and encouraging physical activity—factors that enhance students’ emotional well-being.  Betty Ann Fish, SCH’s Chair of the Physical Education Department and a nationally recognized PE teacher, led the Eco Schools “Healthy Living” initiative with the help of the school’s Green Task Force, sustainability consultants Mary Ann Boyer and Anne Sudduth, and the school community.